Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office


Shirley was the second published novel by Charlotte Bronte, after Jane Eyre. It is a social novel set against the backdrop of the Luddite uprisings in Yorshire after the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in the depressed textile industry. The novel’s heroine is given a boy’s name by her father, who expected a son. The novel’s popularity […]

SKU: Official-Gazette-of-the-United-States-Patent-Office


Shirley was the second published novel by Charlotte Bronte, after Jane Eyre. It is a social novel set against the backdrop of the Luddite uprisings in Yorshire after the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in the depressed textile industry. The novel’s heroine is given a boy’s name by her father, who expected a son. The novel’s popularity turned the distinctly male name Shirley into a distinctly female one.


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